
Indiana vs Kentucky (Oct. 3, 2012)

Soccer Box Score

                            Soccer Box Score (Final)
                           2012 Indiana Men's Soccer
            #11 Indiana vs Kentucky (Oct. 3, 2012 at Lexington, Ky.)

Indiana (8-2-1) vs.                                         Goals by period       1  2  Tot
Kentucky (5-5-1)                                            -------------------------------
Date: Oct. 3, 2012  Attendance: 1041                        Indiana.............  2  2 -  4
Weather:                                                    Kentucky............  0  1 -  1

Indiana                                                 Kentucky
Pos ## Player                Sh SOG  G  A Fo            Pos ## Player                Sh SOG  G  A Fo
---------------------------------------------           ---------------------------------------------
GK  1  Soffner, Luis.......   -   -  -  -  -            GK  1  Jack Van Arsdale....   -   -  -  -  -
F   2  Zavaleta, Eriq......   4   2  2  2  -            D   2  Dylan Asher.........   1   1  -  -  -
D   5  McKain, Matt........   -   -  -  1  -            D   4  Steven Perinovic....   1   1  -  -  -
MF  7  Petts, Harrison.....   -   -  -  -  -            D   5  Jacob Speed.........   -   -  -  -  -
MF  8  Kotlov, Nikita......   2   1  -  -  -            MF  6  Matt Lodge..........   4   1  -  -  -
MF  10 Corrado, A.J........   1   -  -  1  -            MF  8  Gabriel Conelian....   -   -  -  -  -
D   17 Bushue, Jacob.......   -   -  -  -  -            F   9  Tyler Riggs.........   1   1  1  -  -
D   19 Doody, Patrick......   -   -  -  -  -            D   11 Jacob Kemper........   -   -  -  1  -
MF  21 Sparks, Kyle........   -   -  -  -  -            MF  12 Cameron Wilder......   -   -  -  -  -
D   22 Konstanski, Caleb...   1   -  -  -  -            MF  21 Charles Pettys......   1   -  -  1  -
MF  30 Lax, Dylan..........   1   -  -  -  -            MF  26 Kristoffer Tollefsen   -   -  -  -  -
     ---------- Substitutes ----------                       ---------- Substitutes ----------
    6  HOLLINGER-JANZEN, Fe   2   2  1  -  -                14 Bryan Celis.........   -   -  -  -  -
    9  Oliver, Andrew......   1   1  1  -  -                17 Isak Krogstad.......   -   -  -  -  -
    12 Tolen, Joe..........   -   -  -  -  -                   Totals..............   8   4  1  2 12
    13 Wylie, Tim..........   -   -  -  -  -
    18 Ballard, Richard....   -   -  -  -  -
       Totals..............  12   6  4  4  9

Indiana                                                 Kentucky
## Player                 MIN  GA Saves                 ## Player                 MIN  GA Saves
---------------------------------------                 ---------------------------------------
1  Soffner, Luis.......  90:00  1     3                 1  Jack Van Arsdale....  90:00  4     2

Shots by period       1  2  Tot                         Saves by period       1  2  Tot
-------------------------------                         -------------------------------
Indiana.............  5  7 - 12                         Indiana.............  2  1 -  3
Kentucky............  3  5 -  8                         Kentucky............  0  2 -  2

Corner kicks          1  2  Tot                         Fouls                 1  2  Tot
-------------------------------                         -------------------------------
Indiana.............  2  2 -  4                         Indiana.............  5  4 -  9
Kentucky............  1  2 -  3                         Kentucky............  7  5 - 12

GOAL   Time Team     Goal Scorer              Assists                                  Description
 1.    3:37 IND      Zavaleta, Eriq (8)       McKain, Matt                             ball played into box, finished with
                                                                                       low-lining shot at far post.
 2.   44:23 IND      HOLLINGER-JANZEN, Fe (1) Zavaleta, Eriq                           long strike sailed across 18 and beat keeper
                                                                                       at far post.
 3.   66:40 IND      Zavaleta, Eriq (9)       Corrado, A.J.                            ball movement in box, right foot shot through
                                                                                       traffic, in near post.
 4.   79:21 IND      Oliver, Andrew (2)       Zavaleta, Eriq                           through ball from midfield, 1 on 1 with GK,
                                                                                       low shot at far post.
 5.   85:19 UK       Tyler Riggs (7)          Charles Pettys; Jacob Kemper             ball lofted across box, quick touch past
                                                                                       keeper at far post.

YC-UK #9 (65:04); YC-IND #30 (71:46)

Officials: Referee: Cory Richardson; Asst. Referee: Andrey Castel; Brian Apwsich;
Alt. Official: Kris Nava; Timekeeper: Duncan Smith; Scorer: Brent Ingram;
Offsides: Indiana 4, Kentucky 1.